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Engwe P275 Pro Torque Sensor City elektrijalgratas | EU Direct
Engwe P275 Pro Torque Sensor City elektrijalgratas | EU Direct
Ühiku hind
Tarnekulud arvutatakse kassas, kui see on asjakohane
Minimalistlik disain - 250 W keskveomootor, pöördemoment 65 Nm - 19,2 Ah Samsungi aku - Tektro® hüdraulilised pidurid - Torkevastased rehvid - IPX6 veekindel - kaal 26 kg
Engwe P275 Pro pakub pöördemomendi anduri tehnoloogiat, mis pakub teie linnarattasõitudeks täpset ja tõhusat jõuabi. Selle elektrirattaga saate enesekindlalt liikluses liikuda ja selle 19Ah aku pakub teile lõputut sõidukogemust. Sujuv, töökindel ja võimas – ideaalne linnasõiduks.
Important notice
Important notice
You should check the regulation of your country before you buy an electric bike or scooter and indend to move in public roads and bicycle lanes.
Please read carefully this guide

Bafang 250W 70Nm motor ensures sweat free riding

19.2Ah Samsung Cells Lithium-ion Battery

Bafang 3 level automatic shifting system

The Gates® carbon belt carbon drive patent provides smooth and quit move

Köidab tähelepanu oma minimalistliku disainiga

Integrated Front and Rear Lights

Comfortable saddle with air seatpost

LED Display & Clear Operation Panel

Anti-Puncture & Reflective Rim Tires

Tektro® hüdraulilised ketaspidurid
Kokkupandav sisu
- Further discounts available
- Excellent in person before and after sales service
Consider the regulation of your country related to the circulation of electromobility products
- Order proccesing up to 3 days
- Delivery up to 7 working days
- Cyprus approximatelly 21 days (self-arrangement from Athens to Limassol - Kronos Express Shipping 00 357 22 711107)
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