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Fafrees F20 PRO 250W 36V18Ah

Fafrees F20 PRO 250W 36V18Ah

250W motor with 40 Nm torque - 18Ah battery - Dual mechanical disk brakes - 20*3 inch wide tires - Autonomy up to 70 km ( PAS2)

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Fafrees F20 PRO ir stilīgs mākslas darbs, nekaitējot tā praktiskumam. Tajā ir jaunākā žilbinošā hameleona krāsa ar metāla pārslām, kas saulē parādīsies dažādos toņos. Izcelties no velosipēdistu pūļa. Vēl viens plus ir tas, ka akumulators izmanto vismodernākās automobiļu klases 21700 akumulatoru baterijas ar akumulatora ietilpību 18ah, nodrošinot ilgāku akumulatora darbības laiku un drošāku lietotāja pieredzi. F20 pro atbilst F20 pakāpeniskajam rāmja dizainam un 3,0 platām riepām, lai jūs varētu uzlabot visu veidu reljefu, viegli pārvadāt pārtikas preces un izpētīt jaunus galamērķus, zinot, ka jums būs vairāk nekā pietiekami daudz impulsa, lai to visu paveiktu. Zemo pakāpienu rāmi ir vēl vieglāk uzstādīt un demontēt. Tie ir lieliski piemēroti braucējiem, kuri vēlas papildu komfortu un pārliecību katrā braucienā.


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Jums ir jāpārbauda savas valsts noteikumi, pirms iegādājaties elektrisko velosipēdu vai skrejriteni un pārvietojaties pa koplietošanas ceļiem un veloceliņiem.

Lūdzu, uzmanīgi izlasiet šo ceļvedi.

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CST 20*3.0" Wide Tires

3'' wide tires with increased friction that can adapt to a range of riding conditions, including flat ground as well as snow, sand, mud, and gravel roads.

F20 Pro 250W Brushless Motor

250W brushless motor with a maximum torque of 40N.M combined with an intelligent controller The rear drive motor offers better traction, is simpler to handle, and requires less maintenance.

F20 Pro ,Riding Safety At Night

Bright LED headlight and rear brake light to ensure night riding safety.

F20 Pro, removable 36v 18ah battery

Utilize the most cutting-edge automotive grade lithium battery with increased capacity to 18ah in limited space. It is simple to remove for charging, and it can travel up to 90 kilometers with pure power-assist on a single charge.

F20 Pro, Smart LCD Display

The large-screen LCD smart display shows various data such as speed, battery, mileage, and gear. It has a walk assistance mode and cruise control function

F20 Pro, Front Suspension & Shimano Manual Gears

F20 Pro provides great comfort with a 75mm travel oil suspension fork With adjustment knobs for customizing it to your weight and riding terrain. Shimano 7-speed derailleur provides precise and smooth shifting.

F20 Pro, attention to Details

F20 Pro features the latest dazzling chameleon paint with metal flake that will show up in different shades in the sun. It’s perfect for riders who want extra comfort and confidence on every ride.


The adjustable handlebar and seat tube make it ideal for teenagers and adults 160-195cm tall with a maximum load of 150 kg.

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